Nutran Gras®

Nutran Gras® is a fourth generation solution that provides complex micro and macronutrients to the plants, facilitating their mobility and absorption. This promotes growth, development, health and increased productivity of lawns and meadows.


Live the experience of biotechnology nutritional

Thanks to applied nutrigenomics, optimizes the genetic potential of the plants in all phases of development. The non-digestible sugars present in its composition act on specific metabolic pathways that activate Acquired Systemic Resistance, favoring herbaceous vegetation such as grass under stress conditions.


  • Foliar and fertigation
  • Recommended product and suitable for aerial applications




Optimizes nitrogen fertilization
It improves the mobility of nutrients and enhances nitrogen metabolism by incorporating amino acids and vitamins.
Promotes the formation of grass that is more resistant to water stress
Helps with the stomatal mechanism, maximizing the use of water resources.
Persistent effect on the plant for at least 12 months.
Intensifies biomass production even after mowing consecutively throughout the cycle.

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