Viacqua +®

Get to know Viacqua +®, an innovative and biodegradable product. Developed from plant extracts, it increases water retention in the most fertile horizons of the soil, reducing drainage speed, leaching effects and soil losses due to surface runoff.


Optimization and performance of water resources

Viacqua +® is a liquid amendment that improves the efficiency of irrigation water and improves soil structure; solubilizes nutrients, favors the development of roots and improves the soil microbiota. Viacqua+ is composed of matter raw material of plant origin, and its molecules they behave like a clay floc, increasing Exchange Capacity Cationic. Viacqua+ promotes root development, improves nutrient absorption and fertilization efficiency. Furthermore, it improves the availability of irrigation water and significantly increases vegetative growth and crop yield.


– Irrigation (drip, underground and fertigation)

– Spray bar

– Directed spraying on the planting line



5 L and 20 L

Propagation by lateralization of water
In the direction of the active root zones, which facilitate the absorption of nutrients.
Prolonged Humidity
No flooding.
Water economy
Necessary in irrigated areas.
Reduces temperature soil and water loss
By evaporation and perspiration.

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